Here are some important tips to use our Helpdesk like a Boss.
You might
1)Submit like a Boss
Our support is available 24×7, just like our server uptime. (
However, sending a request using the Support Form is always a recommended option:
Tip 1: Fill in all the required details so that we can start the engine without asking any question.
Tip 2: Select the relevant department.
Tip 3: Set your case priority like a BOSS.
2) Manage like the Spiderman
What if you can’t remember your case number?
Tip 1: Well, you don’t really have to. You can always login to the portal and have a check on the status of the case you submitted.
3) Who closes the case?
Our helpdesk bots will auto close the case if there is no reply from both parties after 72 hours. (Sorry, they are bots =\ )
You are welcome to reopen the case, and ask them to monitor the issue again!
4) Don’t keep the secret to yourself
Did we do a good job? Are you satisfied with the solution provided? Tell us.
An ‘Apple’ a day keeps the doctor away.
An ‘Awesome’ rating a day keeps the Support awake!
Happy rating everyone, contact us if you have any other enquiries: